1 Billion years ago

The galaxy-wide Slaver Empire is destroyed when one race revolts against the Slavers. Most intelligent life of this time is destroyed, and the only remnants of the Slaver Empire are stasis boxes and their contents. One such stasis box, containing a flying belt, will be the key to the artificial gravity field used by starships. Another will contain a disruptor bomb. Yet another stasis box will be found on the planet Kzin in 2269. This box will contain several items including an immensely powerful weapon which has a total-conversion setting.
"The Slaver Weapon." One billion years before the episode, (2269).
300 Million years ago

An alien ship of insectoid beings is invaded by a magnetic organism. Trapped in orbit of Questar M17, the crew disable their own ship to prevent the spread of the entity.
"Beyond the Farthest Star." 300 million years before the episode, (2269).
4641 B.C.
The so-called "Shore Leave" planet is established by an unknown alien race.
"Once Upon a Planet." 7009 years before 2268. Inscription on the Caretaker's grave
marker stated that he had died in the 7009th year of the planet. He must have died after "Shore Leave" (2267) but
before "Once Upon a Planet" (2269), so it is conjectured that the 7009th year was 2268.
3834 B.C.
Akharin is born in a region of Earth later known as Mesopotamia. He will later learn that he is
immortal. Akharin will lead hundreds of lives and be known as such men as Methuselah, Merlin,
Abramson, Leonardo DaVinci, Johannes Brahms,
Mr. Brack, and finally Flint. He will survive into the 23rd century.
"Requiem for Methuselah." Flint stated when he was born. (This is included because
of the author's fondness for this classic episode.)
6th century

The Mayan culture arises on Earth. Kukulkan, a benevolent alien being, assists the Mayans in their development. The
Mayans will survive into the 10th century.
Historical accounts. "How Sharper Than a Serpent's Tooth." Kukulkan said that he visited the Mayan
civilization on Earth and taught them important things.
12th century

The Aztec culture begins on Earth. The Aztecs are nurtured by the long-lived alien being known as Kukulkan,
and will fluorish into the 16th century.
Historical accounts. "How Sharper Than a Serpent's Tooth." Kukulkan said
that he visited the Aztec civilization on Earth and taught them important things.
13th century

Within the Delta Triangle region of space, in a different time-continuum, the Elysian council is formed. By 2264, Elysia will contain members of over 123 different races.
"The Time Trap." More than 1000 years before episode, (2269).

The people of Megas-Tu are forced to leave Earth in Salem, Massachusetts, New England.
"The Magicks of Megas-tu." Spock mentions the date.
Curt Danhauser is born in New York on Earth. He will become a United States Naval Officer and serve on the Guided Missile Cruiser U.S.S. Horne (CG-30). In the mid 1990's he will establish a presence on the Internet.
Historical accounts.

The Eugenics Wars comes to an end. Dr. Stavos Keniclius, Earth's first cloned human, is banned from the community. The tyrants' altered Humans are declared wards of the United Nations and are sent to live in a series of camps in isolated areas. Gene engineering of Humans is banned, although certain groups will pass on the forbidden knowledge.
"The Infinite Vulcan", "Space Seed."
April 4th. The Phoenix, Earth's first warp-driven spacecraft, is launched by
Zefram Cochrane. His flight attracts the attention of the Vulcans who make first
contact with him in Montana the next day.
"STAR TREK: First Contact"

The Kzinti, a race of felinoid warriors, invade the Sol system. They will engage
humankind in wars four times before being ultimately defeated in 2069.
"The Slaver Weapon." Sulu stated that the Kzin
fought four wars with humankind, and that the last one was fought 200 years prior
to the episode, (2269). The first Man-Kzin conflict must have been after 2063 since
that was the when Earth first encountered extraterrestrials. ("STAR TREK: First Contact.")
Also the Kzin were defeated because of Earth's warp-drive technology which was first
demonstrated in 2063. The first Man-Kzin war must have been around 2064 to give
enough time to fight four wars.
The S.S. Valiant embarks on a deep space exploration mission. The expedition is
lost and is eventually swept out of the galaxy. The ship is nearly destroyed while trying to
return across the energy barrier at the outer edge of the galaxy. In the transit, some crew members
gain dangerous ESP powers.
"Where No Man Has Gone Before."
The Kzinti and human kind engage in war for the fourth and last time. The Kzinti are once and for all defeated by Earth forces. The Kzinti are defeated because of Earth's development of warp drive. The Treaty of Sirius prevents the Kzin from possessing any weapons except for police cruisers.
"The Slaver Weapon." Sulu stated that the Kzin fought the last war with human kind 200 years prior to the episode, (2269).

The Skorr, a race of avian beings, long existed as a warrior race with advanced technology and the
ability to breed vast armies very quickly. Around 2069, a great Skorr philosopher, Alar, lead the
Skorr into a new era of peace. After Alar's death, his thought patterns were preserved in an
indurite sculpture referred to as the "Soul of Skorr."
"The Jihad", 200 years prior to the episode, (2269).
The tenth and last Space Ark, Terra 10, is launched complete with early transporter technology. Of all ten generation ships, only the passengers of this last ship will survive.
Interstat code becomes outdated.
"The Terratin Incident." 200 years before the episode (2269).
The Taurean star system is briefly explored and a spaceship is lost near there. Over the next 164 years, a ship will
disappear in this region exactly every 27.346 years.
"The Lorelei Signal." For a ship to have disappeared exactly every 27.346 years and for
the next ship to be due to disappear in 2269, the first ship would have to have gone missing in 2105 which is 164 years ago
not 150 as stated by Kirk in "The Lorelei Signal." It is assumed that he was simply speaking in round numbers.

The S.S. Bonaventure,
galactic survey cruiser, the first ship to have warp drive installed, is launched. The Bonaventure will
mysteriously disappear on her third voyage, and her hulk will be found in 2269 in the alternate universe of Elysia.
"The Time Trap." Date is semi-canon conjecture.
A second spaceship disappears in the Taurean region of space, never to be heard from again.
"The Lorelei Signal." 27.346 years after the first ship disappeared, (2105).
The women of Taurus II claims the crew of a third spaceship.
"The Lorelei Signal." 27.346 years after the previous ship disappeared, (2132).
Another space ship disappears without a trace near Taurus II.
"The Lorelei Signal." 27.346 years after the previous ship disappeared, (2159).

Robert April, future first captain of the Constitution-class U.S.S. Enterprise, is born. He will later become a Federation ambassador-at-large.
"The Counter-Clock Incident." Seventy-five years before the episode, (2270).
A spaceship in the vicinity of the star Taurus disappears forever, victim of the women of Taurus II.
"The Lorelei Signal." 27.346 years after the previous ship disappeared, (2187).

Montgomery Scott, future chief engineer
of the original U.S.S. Enterprise, is born.
The STAR TREK Chronology.

Leonard H. McCoy, future chief medical
officer of the original U.S.S. Enterprise, is born.
The STAR TREK Chronology.

Spock, future first officer of the
original U.S.S. Enterprise, is born on Vulcan.
The STAR TREK Chronology.

James Tiberius Kirk, future captain of
the original U.S.S. Enterprise, is born in Iowa on Earth.
The STAR TREK Chronology.
On Vulcan, Spock, at age five, pulls a practical joke.
"Yesteryear." In 2237, Young Spock stated that he pulled a practical
joke two years prior.

On Vulcan, Spock, at age seven, is tormented by other young Vulcans due to his half-human heritage. His mother, Amanda, is consequently disturbed.
Spock attempts the Kahs-wan ordeal on Vulcan a month ahead of schedule. His life is saved by his cousin Selek (actually Spock from the future).
In an alternate timeline, Spock attempts the Kahs-wan ordeal on Vulcan a month ahead of schedule, and again, his life is saved by Spock from the future. However, in this timeline Spock's pet sehlat, I-Chaya dies.
In another alternate timeline, Spock dies at age seven undertaking his Kahs-wan test. His parents separate after his death and later Amanda Grayson will die in a shuttle accident at Lunaport on her way home from Earth. Commander Thelin, an Andorian Starfleet officer, will become First Officer/Science Officer aboard the U.S.S. Enterprise instead. Sarek serves as an ambassador to 17 planets over the next thirty years in this alternate timeline.
"Yesteryear." These events occured when Spock was seven which was in 2237.
Spock and T'Pring are betrothed. They share each others minds in the Vulcan mind touch.
"Amok Time."

Hikaru Sulu, future physicist and later
helm officer of the
original U.S.S. Enterprise, is
born. He will become the captain of the U.S.S. Excelsior in 2290.
The STAR TREK Chronology.

Uhura, future communications officer of
the original U.S.S. Enterprise, is born in the United States of Africa on Earth.
The STAR TREK Chronology.
A starship disappears near the Taurus star system. It will be the sixth and last ship waylaid by the women of Taurus II.
"The Lorelei Signal." 27.346 years after the previous ship disappeared, (2214).

M'Ress, future relief communications officer on the Constitution-class U.S.S. Enterprise, is born on the planet Cait.
Conjecture based on a semi-canon
biography once available
from Lincoln Enterprises. Assumes she was 22 years old upon graduation from the Academy in 2266.

Captain Robert April assumes command of the Constitution-class U.S.S. Enterprise. He will command the starship on a five-year mission of exploration. His wife Sarah April is the ship's first Chief Medical Officer.
Conjectured in The STAR TREK Chronology.

Leonard McCoy, enters medical school at the University of Mississippi. He will complete an eight-year
medical program and graduate in 2253.
The STAR TREK Chronology and in "The Pirates of Orion" (2270), Kirk
commented that McCoy had been in medicine for 25 years. The name of the college was mentioned in
"Trials and Tribble-ations" (DS9)

Pavel A. Chekov, future navigator and tactical officer on the Constitution-class
U.S.S. Enterprise, is born. He will later serve as first officer of the U.S.S. Reliant in 2277.
The STAR TREK Chronology.

Captain Robert April relinquishes command of the
U.S.S. Enterprise, to
Captain Christopher Pike. Pike's executive officer was a female Starfleet
officer whom he called "Number One."
Conjectured in The STAR TREK Chronology.
Starfleet officer Robert April is promoted to Commodore and becomes a Federation ambassador-at-large.
"The Counter-Clock Incident." Twenty years before the episode, (2270).

Leonard McCoy, while still a Starfleet medical student, leads a mass-innoculation program on Dramia II.
Shortly after McCoy's team leaves, an Auroral Plague kills almost the entire population of Dramia II.
"Albatross." Nineteen years before the episode, (2270).
Katie Wesley is born, she is the daughter of Robert Wesley, future captain of the Constitution-class U.S.S. Lexington.
"One of Our Planets is Missing." Wesley's daughter was eleven years old at the time of the episode, (2269).
The planet Cerberus is striken by crop failure during Joanna McCoy's schooling there. Carter Winston uses his personal fortune to save the colony.
"The Survivor." Ten years before the episode, (2269).

M'Ress enters Starfleet Academy.
Conjecture based on a semi-canon
biography once available
from Lincoln Enterprises. Assumes she attended the
Academy for four years, graduating from the Academy in 2266.

Captain James Kirk relieves Captain Christopher Pike as commander of the U.S.S. Enterprise and the starship
begins its historic five-year mission.
Conjectured in The STAR TREK Chronology.

Carter Winston crashes his spacecraft on the planet Vendor. Winston is nursed by a Vendorian, but will die a year later of his injuries.
"The Survivor." Five years before the episode, (2269).

In an alternate timeline, Commander Thelin becomes first officer of the U.S.S. Enterprise.
"Yesteryear." Five years before the episode, (2269).
Carter Winston dies on Vendor of injuries received in a crash.
"The Survivor." One year after he crashed, (2264).
First Season of Original STAR TREK
"Mudd's Women." Stardate 1329.8. The crew of the U.S.S. Enterprise first encounter Harcourt Fenton Mudd.
Ensign M'Ress graduates from Starfleet Academy. She will serve on a scout and later on the
Constitution-class U.S.S. Hood.
Conjecture based on a semi-canon
biography once available
from Lincoln Enterprises.
"Errand of Mercy." Stardate 3198.4. The Starship Enterprise
is assigned to prevent an anticipated Klingon incursion at Organia where Captain Kirk clashes with Klingon
Commander Kor. This becomes the focal point of the long-simmering dispute between the Federation and the
Klingon Empire, threatening to erupt into interstellar war. The immensely powerful Organians prevent
hostilities between the two powers and announce the imposition of the Organian Peace Treaty. Kirk will encounter Kor
again in 2269.
Second Season of Original STAR TREK

Yeoman Janice Rand leaves the U.S.S. Enterprise. She will receive further Starfleet
training and become a transporter chief aboard the refit U.S.S. Enterprise in 2271. Rand will later receive her
commission and in 2290 she will serve as communications officer on the U.S.S. Excelsior under Captain Hikaru Sulu.
Conjecture. She left after the first season of the original series and was later
seen as Transporter Chief Rand in STAR TREK: The Motion Picture (2271). Rand was seen as Excelsior
communications officer in STAR TREK IV: The Undiscovered Country and "Flashback" (VGR) (2293).
"Shore Leave." Stardate 3025.3. The Enterprise's first visit to the "amusement-park planet."
"City on the Edge of Forever." The crew of the U.S.S. Enterprise first encounter the Guardian of Forever.
"I, Mudd." Stardate 4513.3. The U.S.S. Enterprise encounters Harry Mudd for the second time. He is left in the custody of androids.
"The Trouble With Tribbles." Stardate 4523.3. The U.S.S. Enterprise
becomes deluged with tribbles, and Captain Kirk again meets Klingon Captain Koloth who commands the Klingon
battle cruiser Gr'oth.
Third Season of Original STAR TREK
"The Ultimate Computer." Stardate 4729.4. The U.S.S. Enterprise takes part in wargames designed to test the M-5 multitronic unit, with disastrous results. The officer in charge of the wargames was Commodore Robert Wesley, commander of the Constitution-class starship U.S.S. Lexington.

Commodore Robert Wesley retires from Starfleet to become the governor of Mantilles.
Sometime after "The Ultimate Computer" (2268) but before "One of Our Planets is Missing" (2269).

Klingon Captain Koloth leaves the captaincy of the I.K.S. Gr'oth and becomes the commander
of the I.K.S. Devisor.

The Klingons genetically engineer the glommer, a tribble predator.
Date is conjecture. This happened sometime after "The Trouble
With Tribbles" (TOS) and "Trials and Tribble-ations" (DS9) (2267) but before "More Tribbles,
More Troubles" (2269).