LIEUTENANT M'RESS is a felinoid female, a native of the planet Cait.
The Lieutenant joined the crew during the Enterprise's last refitting.
She is the alternate Communications Officer, and of course is junior
in grade to Lieutenant Uhura. M'Ress graduated from Starfleet Academy
three years ago and is a specialist in communications and computer
translator systems. She has served aboard a scout and the U.S.S. Hood,
a sister ship of the Enterprise.
M'Ress amuses herself in off-duty
hours with the pursuit of Federation
and galactic planetary histories and the writing of free-form poetry.
She also pursues an interest in anthropology and archaeology, subjects
which relate to the histories she studies.
Among the crew personnel, M'Ress
is well liked and includes Uhura
and Nurse Chapel in her close friends. The distinctive "purr" in her voice
is immediately arresting when she speaks, and she is a popular actress
in the ship's small theatre company.
M'ress has golden fur and a mane of
caramel-colored hair that cascades
down her back. Her eyes are amber. While Starfleet's duty uniform for
females provides no problems in regard to M'Ress's tail, long dress
uniforms, duty coveralls, and other such clothing have to be tailored to
accomodate the appendage. Natives of Cait tend to be small and sinewy;
the females are as delicately dainty as the Siamese or Abyssinian cats
of old Earth.
Cait is a planet in the Lynx
constellation. There is only one other
planet in the system, and it is uninhabited. The atmosphere, mass and
gravity of Cait are all near Earth normal. The Caitians and the war-like
Kzinti share common roots in the deep past -- as do Vulcans and Romulans.
As with the Vulcans and Romulans, the two groups went their separate ways
to develop as two entirely different civilizations. The Caitians are fierce
warriors when so called upon, but pride themselves on their accomplishments
in arts and philosophy rather than on the martial arts. Their family units
are extremely close. M'Ress's other three litter mates also serve in
Starfleet in various capacities. The long line of her ancestors is well
known on Cait, and her parents are honored citizens.
M'Ress herself is quiet about her
family's rank. She brings to the Enterprise
efficiency, ability, and a persistently curious attitude fortunately coupled
with humor and great intelligence. (This is demonstrated by the fact she rose
to the rank of Lieutenant only two years after graduation from Starfleet
Academy). And while she is at ease with everyone in any circumstance, there
have been moments when people have noticed in her profile, in her elegance, in
her supreme composure a definite resemblance to the ancient Egyptian cat
goddess, Bast-Ra. And they wonder...