
Several new lifeforms were introduced in the Animated
STAR TREK series and several alien species from the Original series were seen
again. More than fifty types of lifeforms seen or mentioned in the animated series are listed below along with
a small picture, a brief description and the episode(s) in which they appeared. Those
species that were seen or mentioned in the original series are marked with an asterisk (*). Clicking on
the pictures below scrolls the page back up to the navigation links below.
Technologically sophisticated humanoid civilization that was a member
of the United Federation of Planets. The Andorians had blue skin, white hair and two,
long antennae on the back of their heads. They spoke with a soft lisp.
The Andorians were generally a violent people, but one of their few sympathies was
for family. An Andorian ship had been lost in the Delta Triangle region and an Andorian
served on the Elysian Council which ruled over that limbo realm.
("Yesteryear", "The Time Trap") |
Sentient civilization of water-breathing humanoids that inhabited the planet Argo.
The Aquans had once been air-breathers, but after groundquakes sunk most of Argo's
land masses they adapted to underwater life via a medically-induced mutation.
("The Ambergris Element") |
Technologically advanced space-travel capable civilization of
water-breathing humanoids. Members of this species lost a starship in the Delta Triangle
region and later served on the Elysian Council which ruled over that limbo realm. They
wore water-filled helmets when not aboard their waterships.
("The Time Trap") |
Arex, Lieutenant.
Lieutenant Arex was a member of a technologically advanced warp-capable species. Arex's people had three arms, three legs, red skin and yellow eyes.
A semi-canonical biography of Arex once available from Lincoln Enterprises suggested that his
people were from Edos and were called Edoans, but this name was never mentioned in any aired episodes.
The character of Arex was voiced by James Doohan. |
The Arretians were a technologically advanced race of warp-capable humanoids from the planet Arret in the alternate universe. Captain Kirk and the crew of the Enterprise visited Arret in 2370 after being pulled into the alternate universe by Arretian scientist Karla Five's high warp starship. Arretians aged backwards and so Karla 5's son, Karl Four, looked much older than she was, and her father looked like an infant.
("The Counter-Clock Incident") |
Capellan power cat.
A fierce and untamable feline animal capable of imparting an
energy discharge of 2000 volts. The power cat was indigenous to Capella IV and stood about
four feet tall and had reddish fur and brown dorsal spines. Kukulkan had a
power cat in the zoo aboard his ship. He had captured it as an infant.
("How Sharper Than A Serpent's Tooth") |
Cloud being.
An immense, sentient space-going being that fed on the energy
of the planets that lay in its path. In 2269, Spock mind melded with the entity and informed
it that it was killing life and he persuaded it to return to its place of origin
and thereafter avoid planets with people on them.
("One Of Our Planets Is Missing")
The cloud being was voiced by Majel Barrett. |
Race of technologically advanced humanoids with olive skin and large, catlike yellow eyes originating from the planet Omega Cygni. Many Cygnians were psionically gifted and had powerful telepathic abilities enabling them to see what others were saying and doing. Some years ago, Omega Cygnia lost a starship in the Delta Triangle region and the Cygnian Magen used her mental abilities to aid the Elysian Council which ruled over the limbo world there.
("The Time Trap")
Magen was voiced by Nichelle Nichols. |
Delta Theta III god.
Immensely powerful, transdimensional entity that cared for and protected the reptilian humanoid natives of
the planet Delta Theta III. When a landing party from the Starship Enterprise attempted to make
contact with the inhabitants of that planet in 2269, the Delta Theta III god warned them to leave without
interfering with the natives it called its "children."
The Delta Theta III god was non-corporeal and could not be seen. It was voiced by actress Nichelle
Nichols |
Denebian whale.
Very large aquatic life-form indigenous to Deneb. The Denebian whale
had a skeletal system very similar to the sur-snake of Argo.
("The Ambergris Element")
The Denebian whale was never seen, but only referred to in dialogue. |
Large purple reptilian beast that stood more than 25 feet tall.
A dinosauroid that was kept as a specimen in the zoo on Lactra VII menaced members
of the Enterprise crew in 2269.
("The Eye of the Beholder") |
Technologically advanced civilization of tall, large craniumed humanoids from the
Draman star system. The Draman form of justice was swift. Demos and Kol-tai were Dramans.
("Albatross") |
Em/3/Green's people were sentient beings with six arms and two legs. His people were characterized by caution to the point of cowardice. Em/3/Green was an expert lockpick and thief and he was chosen by the Vedala to be a member of an extraordinary mission to retrieve the Soul of Skorr in late 2269.
("The Jihad")
The character of Em/3/Green was voiced by David Gerrold. |
Genetically engineered animal created by Klingon scientists in
2268 as the perfect tribble predator. In 2269, the first glommer was stolen from the Klingons by
space trader Cyrano Jones. The Klingons were furious and they hunted Jones down to reacquire the
one-of-a-kind creature.
("More Tribbles, More Troubles") |
Race of space-faring technologically advanced humanoid reptiles with slow metabolisms.
In 2267, the Gorn made an incursion into Federation space due to a misunderstanding over territorial boundaries.
("Arena" [TOS]). The Gorn lost a starship in the Delta Triangle region and a Gorn later served on the
Elysian Council which ruled over the limbo world there.
("The Time Trap") |
Gossamer Mice.
Small translucent rodent-like animals often used in benevolent medical
research aboard Federation starships.
("The Terratin Incident") |
Halo Fish.
Very sensitive species of fish that exhibited a bright halo of color around
them. They were very skitish and lost all with any change in environment. The
U.S.S. Enterprise medical lab had halo fish.
("The Terratin Incident") |
Spacefaring species. A starship used by these people was lost in the Delta Triangle region of space
and one of its crew later served on the Elysian Council that ruled that limbo place.
("The Time Trap").
The insectoid seen in this episode may be a member of the Xindi insectoid species (pictured at right) seen in several episodes of the STAR TREK: Enterprise television series. |
Ancient race of technologically advanced space-faring sentient beings.
Members of this species had built magnificent pod starships almost 10,000 feet long, composed of fifteen pods linked by curved connective struts composed of a metallic material that had been spun not cast or forged. About 300 million years ago, one of these ships encountered a malevolent magnetic entity in the vicinity of Questar M-17. The ship's crew of insectoid beings chose to destroy their ship rather than allow it to be the unwilling chariot to such an evil being. They accomplished this destruction by causing each of the ship's pods to be burst from within - exposing every compartment to the vacuum of space.
("Beyond the Farthest Star") |
Technologically advanced civilization of humanoid warriors. The Klingon's technological level was
roughly equal to that of the Federation. For several years, the Federation and the Klingon Empire have
existed at the very brink of war. The Klingon people come from planets that were relatively poor
in natural resources and thus they felt they had the right to take what they needed from other planets.
They believed that only the strong should survive. Klingons had an intense dislike for
tribbles because the little animals would screech loudly whenever they were near Klingons.
After one of their battle cruisers was inundated by tribbles in 2267, the Klingons anticipated a need for an
effective means to control tribble infestations and so they developed the glommer.
("The Time Trap", "More Tribbles, More Troubles") |
Incredibly long-lived benevolent entity. Centuries ago, Kukulkan visited Earth and assisted the Aztec
and later Mayan peoples to create lasting civilizations by teaching them agriculture and art. He was known
to them also by the name Quezalcoatl.
("How Sharper Than A Serpent's Tooth")
The character of Kukulkan was voiced by James Doohan. |
Technologically advanced race of felinoid warriors. The Kzinti invaded the Sol system in 2064.
They engaged humankind in wars four times before being ultimately defeated in 2069. The Kzinti were defeated because of Earth's development of warp drive. The Treaty of Sirius prevented the Kzin from possessing any weapons except for police cruisers. ("The Slaver Weapon").
Among the warlike species of the galaxy, Dr. Keniclius 5 was concerned that the Kzinti had to have peace forced upon them by the Phylosian fleet of ships.
("The Infinite Vulcan") A Kzinti ship had been lost in the Delta Triangle region and a male Kzin served on the Elysian Council which ruled over that limbo realm. ("The Time Trap").
The Kzinti were first mentioned in the short story "The Warriors" written by Larry Niven which was published in the February 1966 issue of Worlds of If magazine |
Immensely intelligent, telepathic sluglike beings. The Lactrans maintained a zoo planet on Lactra VII.
They manipulated sensor readings of their planet to hide any sign of intelligent life there. Their telepathic
technique was so swift and complicated that Spock could only get fleeting impressions of their transmissions.
("The Eye of the Beholder") |
A large, ferocious, cat-like creature that lived in the wilderness of the planet Vulcan.
Le-Matya were very strong and swift and had very poisoness teeth and claws.
("Yesteryear") |
Magnetic Entity.
Very long-lived, non-corporeal sentient being which resembled a lumenescent green aura or fog. In 2369, the crew of the Enterprise encountered the entity which was trapped aboard an ancient pod ship. The entity was magnetically based and was able to inhabit and control electronic systems such as starship computers. The pod ship was invaded by the entity 300 million years before, and rather than take the malignant entity with them back to civilization, the pod ship's crew destroyed their vessel themselves. After the being invaded the Enterprise's systems, Captain Kirk and his crew were able to trick the entity into leaving the starship to surround a nearby planet where it remained stranded.
("Beyond the Farthest Star") |
The Megans were a race of sentient humanoids from the planet Megas-tu located in another dimension which can be accessed near the center of the Milky Way galaxy. Megans derived magical abilities from the dimension in which their planet resided. They were a calm, peaceful and contemplative people. Their were no other lifeforms in their dimension and they became lonely for others of their kind. Centuries ago, they crossed into our universe and happened upon Earth. They became advisors to mankind, and drawing from the power of their dimension they used magic at times. They were forced to leave Earth after being persecuted when the paranoid witch hunts of the late 17th century began.
("The Magicks of Megas-tu") |
M'Ress, Lieutenant.
Lieutenant M'Ress was a member of a technologically advanced warp-capable
species. M'Ress' people were felinoids, with long, thick orange-tan fur and golden yellow eyes. Her people
spoke very softly and had a cat-like purring quality to their voices.
A semi-canonical biography of M'Ress once available from Lincoln
Enterprises suggested that her people were from Cait and were called Caitians, but this name was
never mentioned in any aired episodes.
The character of M'Ress was voiced by Majel Barrett. |
Civilization of sentient, green-skinned space-faring humanoids from the
Orion planets. The Orion's claimed to be neutral, but this came into dispute when Orion's were
caught several times engaging in piracy involving dilithium crystals. For some years, a thriving
trade existed for so-called Orion animal women slaves. When their missions failed, Orion starship
crews often resorted to suicide to prevent capture. The Orion vessel that the disguised Thelev
communicated with during the Enterprise's mission to the Babel Conference of 2268 self-destructed rather than be taken. The Orion pirate ship encountered by the Enterprise in 2270 which had plundered the S.S. Huron attempted suicide, but was prevented from doing so. The Enterprise crew captured the ship and crew. ("The Pirates of Orion") A Orion ship had been lost in the Delta Triangle region and Devna, an Orion woman, served on the Elysian Council which ruled over that limbo realm. ("The Time Trap").
Sentient colony creatures that appeared as humanoids when joined together. The Pandronians who were
highly advanced in medicine were from the planet Pandro in the Garo VII system. They were arrogant people,
disinterested in any species that they deemed inefficient. Commander Ari bn Bem (pictured) was a Pandronian.
("Bem") |
Sentient, plant-based life forms from the planet Phylos located at the periphery of the galaxy. They used 70% of their brains. They seemed passive and harmless. They wished to join Dr. Keniclius 5 in his plan to go out into space with a master race of giant cloned Spocks to force peace on the galaxy. Most of the Phylosians were killed by a bacteria carried by Dr. Keniclius 5 when he visited Phylos, but he was able to cure them eventually. Many years ago, a Phylosian ship became lost in the Delta Triangle region of space, and a Phylosian later sat on the Elysian Council in that limbo realm.
("The Infinite Vulcan", "The Time Trap") |
Large, flying lizards that were one of the many life-forms kept on the Lactran zoo planet, Lactra VII.
These pterodons had huge leathery wings and were very similar to the extinct species of flying reptiles
that lived millions of years ago during Earth's Mezozoic Era.
("The Eye of the Beholder") |
Primitive sentient race of purple-skinned reptilian humanoids who inhabited the planet Delta Theta III.
The reptilians were being led toward civilization by a non-corporeal advanced alien. This being watched over
and protected the reptilian natives from harm and interference from outsiders.
("Bem") |
Retlaw plant.
Seemingly harmless small mobile plant indigenous to Phylos. The Retlaw plant was about 7 inches tall and it had
the ability to uproot itself and walk about on foot-like roots, and then burrow its roots back into the ground
in a new location. The plant possessed poison-laced thorns within its ball-like fuzzy head.
("The Infinite Vulcan") Named for the episode's author Walter Koenig. "Retlaw" spelled
backwards is "Walter." |
Rigellian hypnoid.
Small sentient quadruped reptilian being about one meter long. Rigellian hypnoids are able to
create perfect illusions in the minds of observers. In 2269, Harcourt Fenton Mudd used a hypnoid to
con the miners on the planet Motherlode into believing that his love potion caused a beautiful woman
to fall in love with him.
("Mudd's Passion") |
Rock creatures.
Immense non-sentient beings with hard, tough brown hides, three-fingered claws and giant maws with
sharp teeth. They were over 100 feet long, often walked upright, and appeared like rocky mounds when at
rest. Members of the Enterprise crew were menaced by members of this species in 2269 when they
visited the creature's homeworld to rescue Nurse Christine Chapel who had been abducted by Harry Mudd.
These rock creatures were very resistant to phaser fire.
("Mudd's Passion") |
Warrior civilization from the planets Romulus and Remus. An offshoot of the Vulcan people
who left Vulcan 2000 years ago to found the Romulan Star Empire, the Romulans were a passionate, aggressive
but highly honorable people. ("The Survivor", "The Practical Joker"). Romulan ships had been lost in the Delta Triangle region of space, and the
Romulan Xerius (pictured) headed the Elysian Council that governed the limbo space within the region. ("The Time Trap").
Sea creature
Large being that lived in deep water. A specimen of this type of sea creature was part of the
Lactran's zoo on planet Lactra VII.
("The Eye of the Beholder") |
Large, bear-like animal indigenous to the planet Vulcan. Sehlats are often
kept as family pets as they were loyal, courageous and affectionate.
As a child, Spock had a pet sehlat which was named I'Chaya.
Sehlat's were first mentioned in the original series episode, "Journey to Babel" (TOS),
but they were not seen until the animated series. Thirty-one years after I'Chaya was seen on the animated series, a computer-generated sehlat (pictured) was seen in the November 2004 STAR TREK: Enterprise episode "The Forge.". |
A race of avian beings, who have long existed as a warrior race
with advanced technology and the ability to breed vast armies very quickly.
Around 2069, a great Skorr philosopher, Alar, lead the Skorr into a new era of
peace. After Alar's death, his thought patterns were preserved in an indurite
sculpture referred to as the "Soul of Skorr." T'char was a member of the Skorr. In late 2269, a member of the Skorr worked with other Federation historians to study the time portal.
("Yesteryear", "The Jihad") |
Sentient telepathic species which had a galaxy-wide empire one billion years ago. The Slaver Empire was destroyed when one race revolted against them. During the revolt, most intelligent life in the galaxy was destroyed, with the only remnants of the Slaver Empire being stasis boxes and their contents. One such stasis box, containing a flying belt, was the key to the artificial gravity field used by Federation starships. Another box contained a disruptor bomb. Yet another stasis box was found on the planet Kzin in 2269. This box contained several items including an immensely powerful weapon which had a
total-conversion setting.
("The Slaver Weapon")

The Slavers were first mentioned in the 1965 novella "World of Ptavvs" by Larry Niven which was published in the March 1965 issue of Worlds of Tomorrow magazine. The actual name of the Slaver species was the Thrint.
Member of a race of sentient two-meter tall bipedal dinosaurs. In late 2269, Sord was chosen
to be part of a special team assembled by the Vedala to retrieve the Soul of Skorr, a sacred
sculpture, from a mad planet. He was chosen for his strength and he actually liked the
unusual topographical and temperature changes on the planet because it provided "variety."
("The Jihad")
The character of Sord was voiced by James Doohan. |
Immense violent sea-dwelling being indigenous to the planet Argo. The scarlet
colored sur-snake was over 450 feet long, had four tentacles, yellow eyes and poisonous
fangs. The venom of a sur-snake yielded an ambergris-like substance which was the vital
ingrediant in an infusion which caused air-breathers to transmute into waterbreathers. In
late 2269, when members of the Enterprise crew visited the planet Argo in an
aquashuttle, a sur-snake attacked the vessel nearly killing the inhabitants.
("The Ambergris Element") |
Non-sentient, vicious flying plant-based beings indigenous to planet Phylos. They were about five meters long. Dr. Keniclius 5 used trained swoopers to menace and capture an Enterprise landing party in 2269. ("The Infinite Vulcan") |
Sentient humanoid species with pig-like snouts and beady eyes from the planet Tellar. Tellarites were
members of the Federation and were known as a boisterous, argumentative people. A Tellarite ship had
been lost in the Delta Triangle region and a Tellarite served on the Elysian Council which ruled over
the limbo world there.
("The Time Trap") |
Small, furry creatures with no discernible head or limbs, with a mouth on their underside. Their fur color
ranged from brown to grey to tan to white. They trilled when petted by most species, but screeched loudly
whenever in proximity to Klingons. Tribbles were born pregnant, an adaptation evolved due to high predation
on their homeworld. In the presence of sufficient food, they often bred out of control without predators.
In 2267, tribbles were brought to space station K-7 by space trader Cyrano Jones. The station became deluged
by them in short time due to their eating of the quadrotriticale grain being stored on the station.
("The Trouble with Tribbles" [TOS]). In 2269, Cyrano Jones trafficked in a pink colored breed of tribble
that was supposedly "safe." Instead of breeding many individual young when overfed, these new tribbles
were virtual colony creatures, creating dozens of tribbles within their expanding bodies. When sufficiently
disrupted, these huge furry bags would burst to spill out their tribble colonies.
("More Tribbles, More Troubles") SEE: Glommer. |
Bear-like sentient humanoids. Ursinoid heavy metal miners on the planet Motherlode were among those
that Harry Mudd tried to sell his spurious love potion to in 2269.
("Mudd's Passion") |
Stooped, white, cat-like sentient beings. Possibly the oldest space-faring race known, the Vedala were very
powerful, technologically superior to the Federation, and somewhat secretive, however, their physiology was
fairly delicate. They possessed technology to send persons vast distances, almost instantaneously.
("The Jihad") |
Civilization of sentient, tentacled shape-shifters from the planet Vendor. Vendorians were rarely seen
because their world was quarantined by the Federation. Their practice of deciet as a way of life put them
off limits. They were able to rearrange their molecular structure to take the form of anybody or any thing
with similar mass or volume.
("The Survivor") |
Technologically advanced, warp-capable humanoid civilization native to the planet Vulcan.
U.S.S. Enterprise first officer Spock was half Vulcan.
Vulcan society today is based on a philosophy of emotional control and adherence to logic,
although Vulcans of 5000 years ago were a violent people driven by passion. Vulcans posses much greater
physical strength compared to humans. Their hearts were located where a human's liver would be, and their
blood was copper-based and green in color. Vulcans were not affected by the Draman auroral plague which
was fatal to Dramans and humans, ("Albatross") but Choriocytosis, a blood disease that was a mere nuisance to humans,
was fatal to Vulcans. ("The Pirates of Orion")
Vulcans had telepathic abilities and their minds were among the most well ordered in the galaxy. However,
the Lactrans who were much more advanced, were actually amused by Spock's feeble attempt to communicate
with them telepathically. ("The Eye of the Beholder")
Some years ago, a Vulcan ship became lost in the Delta Triangle region of space, and its marooned
Vulcan pilot later sat on the Elysian Council in that limbo realm. ("The Time Trap")

