
This page lists the changes that this Animated
STAR TREK web site has undergone prior to 2000.
December 29, 1999:
December 18, 1999:
December 11, 1999:
- To the Cast page I added information about how many episodes
each character appeared in.
December 10, 1999:
August 20, 1999:
August 9, 1999:
July 8, 1999:
April 6, 1999:
March 9, 1999:
- Put up a new STAR TREK site. This one is a tribute to the
Gold Key STAR TREK comics that were published
from 1967 to 1979. My site is based on the site Mark Lookabaugh once had online.
February 5, 1999:
- Added a page that contains information about Filmation Associates
the production company that created the Animated STAR TREK series in 1973 and 1974.
December 31, 1998:
- Added information about three direct tie-ins between the animated episode "Yesteryear"
and STAR TREK: Deep Space Nine and STAR TREK: Voyager.
- Added a note to the "The Pirates of Orion" episode page
concerning the crew's pronunciation of the word "Orion."
December 11, 1998:
November 22, 1998:
- This site was listed in the December 1998 issue of
Yahoo! Internet Life magazine. The site was
listed in the EccenTrek section of the magazine's STAR TREK on the Net - Best of Trek
- There is an excellent article on the Animated STAR TREK series in the October/November issue of
STAR TREK Communicator magazine. The article's writer, Kevin Dilmore, used this site as a reference,
and he also interviewed my friend, and STAR TREK script writer,
Fred Bronson.
- Added information about a direct tie-in between the animated episode "The Time Trap"
and the STAR TREK: Deep Space Nine episode "Once More Unto the Breach."
October 14, 1998:
July 12, 1998:
July 11, 1998:
- Moved my Animated STAR TREK site to GeoCities.
June 13, 1998:
June 1, 1998:
May 17, 1998:
April 22, 1998:
- Added a series Broadcast History to the Episode page.
April 10, 1998:
- To the "Yesteryear" episode page, I added an image of the GAF Viewmaster packet
that featured that episode.
March 29, 1998:
- Added a page that contains information about Video tapes of the Animated
STAR TREK series being available online from Amazon.com.
- Added information to the Main page, Episodes List page, Questions & Answers page and each episode
page concerning video tapes of the Animated STAR TREK series being available online from
March 17, 1998:
- Added information to the Comic Tie-In page about the August 1972 Gold
Key Comic which formed the basis of the November 24, 1973 Animated STAR TREK episode "The Time Trap."
March 8, 1998:
- Put a new web site online. It is
Curt Danhauser's Guide to STAR TREK: New Frontier. It is devoted to the series of
STAR TREK novels written by Peter David and published by Pocket Books in the Summer of 1997
and thereafter. The novels chronicle the adventures of Captain Mackenzie Calhoun and the crew of the
U.S.S. Excalibur.
February 27, 1998:
- Modified information about author Russell Bates on the Notes page and
corrected the spelling of his first name throughout the site.
- Modified information on the "How Sharper Than A Serpent's Tooth"
page and the Timeline page concerning Kukulkan's visit to Earth during the
time of the Mayans and Aztecs. I had erroneously stated that Kukulkan must have visited Earth twice since the
reign of the Mayans and Aztecs did not overlap. Instead, he had simply stayed on Earth for centuries, helping
first the Mayans and later the Aztecs. This new information comes from episode author Russell Bates.
- Added a link and reference to a STAR TREK: Deep Space Nine episode that was similar
in concept to "The Terratin Incident".
February 19, 1998:
- Added information to the Timeline page pertaining to the launch
date for the S.S. Bonaventure.
Also added this info to the S.S. Bonaventure page.
November 13, 1997:
September 29, 1997:
August 28, 1997:
August 2, 1997:
July 26, 1997:
July 14, 1997:
July 8, 1997:
- Finally added the Traitor's Claw Ship page. I had completed
the graphics and text for the page back in August 1996, but I had hoped to redo the main ship graphic before
uploading it to the web. Lack of time has prompted me to put the page up as is.
June 4, 1997:
- This site was honored with a
Warp 9 - Admiral Award from the STAR TREK Zone, and
I added the award badge to my Main page.
May 29, 1997:
May 23, 1997:
March 31, 1997:
- Added information concerning a tie-in to a STAR TREK: Voyager episode to the notes on the
"The Lorelei Signal" page.
March 29, 1997:
- This site turned one-year-old. I Added the
Visitor Favorites page listing the top pages
visited over the past year.
March 10, 1997:
February 26, 1997:
- Updated all STAR TREK: The Next Generation episode links, as the site I was linked to no
longer exists.
January 15, 1997:
January 9, 1997:
- Was honored with a Captain Rating from STAR TREK: WWW, and
I added the requisite badge to my Main page. I got the rating some weeks ago but had trouble accessing Mr. Sambucci's
site as it is not friendly to non-frame browsers. It is nice to offer the latest bells and whistles on your
site but I think you do a better service to your visitors if you offer a more spartan version of your pages
as well.
January 3, 1997:
December 20, 1996:
- Added information to the Timeline page
about Captain Koloth due to information from the 1996 STAR TREK: Deep Space Nine episode
"Trials and Tribble-ations."
December 18, 1996:
- Modified the information on the Timeline page
pertaining to the late 21st century and early 22nd century because of information that
has come to light about that period from the "STAR TREK: First Contact" movie.
November 24, 1996:
November 11, 1996:
October 12, 1996:
September 23, 1996:
- Abandoned Web-Counter and reworked my site to do its own access counting via a cgi-script.
September 19, 1996:
September 8, 1996:
September 3, 1996:
September 2, 1996:
September 1, 1996:
August 30, 1996:
- Added book cover pictures, links and information to the References page.
August 27, 1996:
- Rewrote the next-to-the-last paragraph on the Background History page.
- Added references to specific episode appearances in each Tech page.
August 25, 1996:
- Added Landing Party Equipment to the "Coming Soon" section of the Technology page.
August 23, 1996:
August 18, 1996:
- Fixed the background tile on all the Technology pages. Some browsers such as
Internet Explorer and Netscape 1.1 had trouble displaying the tile which was a gif
file with ".jpg" after its name.
August 12, 1996:
August 6, 1996:
August 5, 1996:
August 2, 1996:
August 1, 1996:
- Added a cgi-script generated "Thank You" page that is displayed when someone
submits a question via the Submit Question page.
July 25, 1996:
- The Star Trek Nexus
designated my site as one of the best and brightest of Star Trek related web pages,
and has added it to their index of same. I am honored!
July 20, 1996:
July 18, 1996:
July 16, 1996:
July 4, 1996:
June 22, 1996:
June 18, 1996:
- Added pictures of a young Leonard McCoy (2245) and (2251), to the
Timeline page.
June 17, 1996:
June 14, 1996:
- Added information to the Notes page concerning author
Fred Bronson.
June 12, 1996:
- Changed Font Size and Color on certain headings in the Timeline page.
- Altered the background tile for all but the Main and Technical pages.
- Changed the main picture of Lieutenant M'Ress on her page.
June 11, 1996:
- Added small STAR TREK Log book cover pictures to most of
the Full Graphics Episode pages. (Not seen on Text Only episode pages).
June 7, 1996:
- Added George Takei's Autobiography to the
References page.
June 6, 1996:
- Added a picture of Yeoman Janice Rand (2267), to the
Timeline page.
May 29, 1996:
- Added cast picture navigation buttons to the top of each regular character pages.
- Added information to the notes on the
"One Of Our Planets Is Missing" page.
- Added picture of Number One, Captain Pike's Executive Officer, to the
Timeline page (2250).
May 27, 1996:
May 24, 1996:
May 23, 1996:
May 22, 1996:
- Added pictures of Chekov (2245), Captain Pike (2250), and Captain Kirk (2264) to the
Timeline page.
- Added a panoramic view to the Klingon Ship page.
May 21, 1996:
- Added some text to the Klingon Ship page.
- Added links to the AMT Klingon ship model kit instructions to the
Klingon Ship page.
May 20, 1996:
May 18, 1996:
May 16, 1996:
May 15, 1996:
- Added information to the Notes page concerning author
John Culver.
- Added a picture of the famous "six-fingered-Spock" scene to the
"Yesteryear" page.
May 14, 1996:
May 13, 1996:
May 9, 1996:
- Added a Parmount logo and copyright notice to the
Main page.
May 4, 1996:
April 20, 1996:
April 17, 1996:
- Added information to the Notes page concerning author
David Gerrold.
April 15, 1996:
April 11, 1996:
April 3, 1996:
April 1, 1996:
- Lightened the backgound tile on the Tech pages.
(Was suggested by my mother).
March 29, 1996:
- Initially uploaded Curt Danhauser's Guide to the Animated
(Most Recent Changes)

